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G+D wins a New Popular commission

We’re delighted to announce we’ve been awarded one of five New Popular commissions by producing powerhouse Farnham Maltings.

In association with HighTide, we are working with young people in Norfolk, Fenland and Suffolk to explore what it means to come of age in a time of crisis with Write to the Horizon. Two cohorts of young people will develop short audio plays, stories or experiences, which audiences can hear online and in person at local arts festivals in 2024, alongside the development of a new play for young adults by Norfolk-based writer Joseph Connolly.

Joseph and G+D Creative Director Jo Tyabji will run creative writing workshops in schools and community spaces in early 2024. An immersive audio installation showcasing the work created will tour back to those communities in The Palace. Participants will be invited to hear and feed back on a draft of Joseph’s new play.

New Popular, supported by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, aims to bring theatre-makers and communities together, to test and develop new work for unconventional spaces with the ambition of reaching broader audiences in new places with new experiences.